Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Braylon Edwards Arrested: Unfinished Rambler Validated In Not Accepting Trade

Perfect Stranger 002
Braylon Edwards
Photo courtesy of Benjamin Chodroff on Flickr

This post earlier this afternoon from Lobo reminded me of how I could have almost got played last week.

After I picked up Brandon Jackson, I received a couple of trade offers from the Ryan Grant owner, Renal Failure. The first was for that playa pictured above and mentioned in Lobo's post.

I'm not sure what my exact thoughts were in rejecting the trade, but I think it was something along these lines:

Get that shit out of here. Are you kidding me?

Now with Edwards' arrest and what should be a suspension, I am validated in my initial decision.

Now I just have to hope that one of the playas on the defense RF tried to trade me (a defense for Jackson? why didn't you just try to trade me a tight end? I mean, come on) can get arrested so I can feel doubly validated.

Ray Lewis in Training CampAlign Center
Photo courtesy of Keith Allison on Flickr

I know. Good luck with that, huh?


LOBO said...

B.E. isn't really a crap player; I've seen him in two back-to-back kickass performances.

... I just can't figure out why he doesn't rack up anything fantasy-wise.

Canucklehead said...

Ray Lewis arrested?!!! You talk crazy talk!

renalfailure said...

Ray Lewis is beyond your pathetic human laws.


renalfailure said...

Also Rambler will never do another trade with me for as long as he lives. So that means I have to do trades with his corpse... meaning I could get Brandon Jackson literally over his dead body. Maybe Undead Rambler drafts better.

Unrelated: Danny Woodhead is on the Patriots now.

LOBO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LOBO said...

Rex Ryan: "I can understand bringing in a guy like Danny Woodhead. He's a 'Special' player."

Chris C said...

It gets better. Quote from Monday news story:

"(Sydney) Rice told the media on Monday that he is eyeing the Vikings’ Oct. 31 game at New England as when he’d like to return."

My season is quickly turning into a dark comedy.

Chris C said...

"B.E. isn't really a crap player; I've seen him in two back-to-back kickass performances.

... I just can't figure out why he doesn't rack up anything fantasy-wise."

He's the real life Stone Hands from Necessary Roughness. That's why he doesn't rack up the points long term.

That and heavy drinking until 5 am.

LOBO said...

I almost missed the "Undead Rambler" thing ... lol @ RF

poker affiliate resource said...

The guy is a millionaire couldnt he just call a cab or use the service the Jets have set up for drunk players?

Unfinished Rambler said...

Lobo: In B.E.'s defense, it was the perfect time to deal him. He did have a great performance Sunday.

Canucklehead: I know. Really.

RF: Wow, if only I had seen that, I could have included that.

RF: True. If Undead Rambler drafts better, maybe I'll go with his picks next year. And no, I won't trade with you ever again: my anal regions are still hurting from last year's trade where I gave up Steven Jackson.

Unfinished Rambler said...

Lobo: Bwaha.

Chris: At least, this is the HUMOR Bloggers Fantasy Football League...maybe we should change it to Black Humor. Oh, wait, we only got one black member. Never mind. ;)

Lobo: I almost missed it too.

Poker Affiliate Resources: I mean, really.

Static said...

"...maybe we should change it to Black Humor. Oh, wait, we only got one black member. Never mind. ;)"

Oh, you is funny. MENSA called, they want their membership back.

Unfinished Rambler said...

What is this MENSA thing of which you speak? Is that a black thing? ;)

Static said...

No, it's a...jeez..never mind.