Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday Morning Quarterback: What a difference a yard makes

Welcome to Tuesday Morning Quarterback, where I take a look back at what I (and sometimes others) would have (could have/should have) done differently with my (their) fantasy football teams for that previous week's games.

With Michael Vick out, I couldn't have done things much differently than I did as I played Vince Young instead and escaped with a 72-68 win over Nonames.

I do have to give a special shout-out to New England kicker Stephen Gostkowski for his 10 points which allowed me to come back for the win...

...and an extra special shout-out to my opponent's quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, for only getting to 299 yards passing.

Aaron Rodgers  
photo courtesy of Chris Garrison via Flickr 

Who's smiling now? Um, yeah, me. Thanks A-Rod.

In our league, if a quarterback gets to 300, he gets five extra fantasy points. At first, on Yahoo StatTracker, that yard appeared and the extra five points and then suddenly it was gone!

Like the Eagles, I might not be in playoff contention, but I'm sure not going to make it fun for my opponents along the way and see if I can knock them off their horses ready to ride into the winner's circle. After I'm done, maybe not so much.

A yard? A yard? My kingdom for a yard!


nonamedufus said...

It wouldn't have been so bad if he'd only gained 299 yards. But to post the extra yard and award the 5 points...then take it all away? Well, that truly sucked the big one. Those 5 points would have made all the difference in our final outcome. Nice win UP.

Shieldmaiden96 said...

I have no opinion about the game as such, only an observation that the hat he's wearing in that photo makes him look like a bit of a douche.

Anonymous said...

Yes, nonames, sucked for YOU! ;)

And yes, admittedly, Wife, he does look like a douche. But he's still a kick ass quarterback. He can wear whatever the hell he wants.

nonamedufus said...

@ The Wife: Hey, it gets cold in Wisconsin, ya know.

LOBO said...

Speaking of QBs, you guys following this Orton thing? Colts released him, and there's murmurs about the Bears mulling over a claim to have him fill in for the injured Cutler.

All kidding aside, the Bears' offense is complex and heavily based on blind timing -and Cutler, familiar with it, got the sh*t kicked out of him on a regular basis anyway.

While my confidence in Cutler has been increasing, I have always qualified my vocalized hopes with a "if the Bears can protect him effectively" caveat. Sending Orton here to Chicago to try and sort this crap out would most likely be a death sentence ... they will be finding Orton parts clear out in the parking lot.

Chris C said...

Bears are 30th on the WW priority list. I don't think Orton will get passed up by 28 teams. (I would say 29 but Houston has already announced they are not going to pick him up.)

My guess is Orton goes to Tenn or Miami. Maybe KC.

LOBO said...
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LOBO said...

KC? Nah. They're stickin with that Polka kid. Miami would be interesting ... Well, whorever it is has gotta fork up $8M and some change.

But doesn't Orton get a say at all? I mean the Bears have a sliver of hope for the Playoffs. Can you really get claimed by a team and be forced to play for them? Even my fantasy team players tell me how much they love playing for me every day.

The only one I've actually had to taze was Carson Palmer in 2010, and that was just for fun.

LOBO said...

I'll be darned ... you called it!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but what does any of this have to do with my post? ;) I tell you. It's not bad enough that I get my Facebook posts hijacked, but now this...bastards! :P

Chris C said...

No, Orton doesn't have a say, and KC is only on the hook for the remaining chunk of his contract, about $2.7 mil.

That's a nice bargain for a Pro Bowl QB who knows the playbook of one of the teams the Chiefs have to get past to win the division.

LOBO said...

If you knew half as much about porn as you did about football, we would be best friends.

-Until then, you're just plain weird ...