Friday, September 23, 2011

Purple Drank Aint Scared

What does my top-scoring, 2-0 team think when Renal Failure acquires Megatron? When do we play them, that's what.

We are not scared. At all. Don't sing it bring it.

But I do have to keep my 'Tussen-enabled squad from looking ahead on the schedule. This season I am making sure Purple Drank concerns itself with one team and one only: each week's opponent.

This time around it is none other than What the Canuck?, the team that traded away Calvin Johnson.

At first glance his lineup might not seem so formidable post-deal. But I don't like these kinds of matchups because they have the feel of a certain potential outcome...

Yup, a trap game.

Miles Austin is out. Schaub vs. the Saints.

Bah I say. Bah! Trap game be damned. I've got one of his beloved Bills Stevie Johnson and a stacked lineup. What does that mean for What the Canuck?

Bad news!

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